

The maximum number of people is 4 adults and 2 children. Smoking is not allowed in the house. Pets only after consultation.


Rental prices season 2024

Period of time Price 1 week Price 2 weeks Price 3 weeks
1 January - 26 april 1.020,00 1.980,00 2.880,00
26 april – 28 June 1.360,00 2.640,00 3.840,00
28 June - 30 augustus 1.700,00 3.300,00 4.800,00
30 augustus – 27 september 1.360,00 2.640,00 3.840,00
27 september – 25 april 2025 1.020,00 1.980,00 2.880,00


Rental prices are in euros, the rental period runs from friday to friday. From 16.00 the villa is available and before 10.00 time to leave the villa.

Included in the rental price: WiFi, elektra, water, use of kitchen/bath/bed linen, use and maintenance of swimming pool.

Not included in the rental price: final cleaning (obligated) €120,00. The necessary linen for bed/bath/kitchen is provided; there are laundry costs associated with this, namely €17.50 per drum of 5 kg. The costs for final cleaning and laundry will be settled upon return of the deposit.

The deposit of €500.00 must be paid at the latest 2 to be transferred weeks in advance, stating 'Borg La Colline' and the relevant rental period. Two weeks after your departure, the deposit will be refunded after deduction of the costs of laundry, final cleaning and any damage caused.



You can book by phone or email: Tjomme de Graaf: tjomme@live.nl of +31 6 10 69 74 01

After booking you will receive a confirmation. Once the deposit of 50% of the rent has been paid, is the reservation final?. The remainder payment is due 8 to be paid weeks before the start of the rental period. When booking within 8 weeks before the start of the rental period, the entire rent must be paid at once. Late payment will result in cancellation of the agreement.



Cancellation must be confirmed in writing or by email. Cancellation costs are up to 8 weeks before the start of the rental period 50% of the rent, van 8 until 4 weeks before the start of the rental period 75%, in the event of a later cancellation, the entire rent is due.



The use of the swimming pool is entirely at the risk of the tenant and his guests. The tenant is obliged to comply with French law. Neither the owner of the villa, nor the administrator, nor the owners association or its directors accept liability for any damage or accident.



The villa has an ADSL connection for free internet. In France there are severe penalties for downloading music, movies and games. Illegal download of this via our internet connection is therefore prohibited. Using an internet connection means that you agree to these conditions. In the event of violation of this prohibition, the tenant is liable for any fine / criminal prosecution that the landlord may be imposed. The tenant is liable for the co-users/guests.



During the stay, the tenant is liable for damage caused to the house, the swimming pool, the inventory and all items belonging to the rented object. The owner will not accept any liability for damage or inconvenience in any form and from any cause whatsoever, for tenants or others, that are located in or near the rented object.



Are you interested in our charming house?

Please contact:

Tjomme de Graaf: tjomme@live.nl of +31 6 10 69 74 01

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